Streamlining Technology Solutions

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Ever feel like technology is supposed to make your life easier, but instead you're buried in an avalanche of apps and drowning in indecision? Yeah, us too. With SO many amazing tech solutions at our fingertips, it's easy to get paralyzed by choice. So, how do you navigate this tech tsunami and actually get stuff done? Click on this blog post to read more.

A few weeks ago, during a conversation with a potential client, I was reminded of how the pervasive availability of technology solutions can sometimes hinder rather than enhance efficiency and productivity. The issue lies not in the scarcity of options but in their overwhelming abundance.

The Dilemma: Too Many Solutions

I confess—I often suffer from decision paralysis. It’s most pronounced when I settle down to watch something on Netflix. The seemingly endless array of choices leaves me scrolling for 10 minutes or more, only to sometimes give up and do something else entirely. Music streaming apps present a similar challenge. Which artist or playlist should I choose? Recently, I’ve returned to streaming radio, where a DJ curates the experience, and I simply press play.

The same dilemma extends to collaboration and productivity apps. Each promises to enhance team efficiency in its own way. Dropbox simplifies file sharing, Slack offers seamless communication, Google Docs facilitates collaborative document editing, and Asana excels at project management. For businesses and organizations, the temptation is to adopt all these solutions. Yet, amidst this abundance, there’s also…

The Problem: Too Much Overlap

Software tools for teamwork fall into two main categories: generalists and specialists. Generalist suites bundle various apps and services, each performing adequately but lacking standout features. Specialists, on the other hand, focus on specific tasks and excel in those areas. When comparing suites, you’ll notice significant overlap—many perform similar functions especially when comparing a suite of solutions to a specific service. The suit may include similar functionality but the specific software will provide a richer experience with more niche features. 

The Evolution of Software

Productivity software initially aimed to address specific tasks. For instance, computerized spreadsheets revolutionized accounting and financial work. Over time, these tools expanded their utility. Statisticians now analyze data using spreadsheets, and individuals manage household budgets or create sales projections. Similarly, word processors evolved from letter-writing tools to platforms for novels and fundraising flyers. The next generation of software began to combine these individual software packages, that’s how WordPerfect and the Microsoft Office suite were born. These suites have now evolved to be cloud/SaaS solutions but the core concept remains, one suite to most of your productivity needs.

The Solution: Choose Wisely and Stick With It

The client that prompted this post found themselves in a position where they were using a fraction of the features from multiple suites; Email from Microsoft and file sharing from Google, meanwhile they still use Dropbox and are considering implementing Slack. That’s a lot. A lot to learn and a lot to manage. 

Rather than juggling multiple solutions, opt for one comprehensive suite that covers your core needs. Consider the following advantages:

  1. Cost Savings: By avoiding multiple vendors, you’ll save money.
  2. Efficient Training: Training your team on a single suite reduces training time and costs.
  3. Information Retrieval: Team members won’t waste time searching for data across various systems or deciding where to store information.

If you’re thinking about moving to a platform or consolidating to one you should start by considering the top three. They are, in no particular order:

  1. Zoho Workplace
  2. Google Workspace
  3. Microsoft 365

Select one that aligns with your requirements and streamline your operations effectively. They all cover the basics which include email, calendar, contacts, document creation and management, file sharing and internal chat. They all also have the option of adding additional features such as phone or project management features. Once you’ve settled on a suite try to use it for everything, that way you’ll take advantage of the inherent integration and get the most bang for your per-user, per-month buck.

Remember, If you’re going to use specialized software, get specific with the software that’s made for your type of business or organization. For example, if you’re a nonprofit organization, focus on fundraising or grant management tools, if you’re a design firm you may want special software for construction management or cost estimation.


Need help deciding which is best for you? If you think you may have too many products and services in the mix, let us know we are always happy to chat. If you have any questions or just want to chat about technology please reach out to us on LinkedIn or email us at

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